Thursday, July 07, 2005

Press on, Mr. Blair

Early this morning, London was assaulted by European Al-Qaeda operatives who detonated bombs on a double-decker bus and three subway stations. The attacks were designed to coincide with the G8 summit over which Mr. Blair is presiding, and news that the 2008 Olympics will be held in London. Shame on these "militants" so-called for attacking civilians. Maybe if they had better ideas, they would have recourse to legitimate means of making them known.

The latest casualty count has 40 dead and 300+ wounded, a horrible catastrophe. My deepest sympathies lie with those who were affected.

To Mr. Blair I say, Press on. You have been right all along in the face of horrific criticism from all corners. (Other than that other corner, the one in which Mr. Bush is under the same kind of fire.) Your political opponents will never wake up and realize that these terrorists are not "freedom fighters," but terrorists. They will always criticize you for working hard to keep them safe. Thank you for embracing your grim fate as a sole purveyor of realism in a continent that seems to have broken its chain to reality and spun off into folly, like Nietzsche's world without a moral compass.

We should all thank God for a strong leader in Britain, our oldest and best ally - a man who may not get it right on global warming, but has seen the light when it comes to terrorism.


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