Friday, July 01, 2005

Niall Ferguson

He's an eminent historian - - and The Pity of War was chilling, awful, and very well-documented. And in Foreign Affairs a few months back, he argued that Globalization II (Globalization I being the period from the rise of American and British naval power to the Great War) could come to a screeching halt (cliche-PRAY for my writing) and witness yet another descent into war.

The article gave me a pang or two of worry for my progeny and my portfolio. Ferguson and I share very little in perspective and experience, as I am a self-proclaimed neophyte and only 20 years old. But if I may elevate myself, Ferguson and I have a shared perspective of human nature, and it is pessimistic. People suck. And we're not above throwing away all of this wealth and prosperity over some petty dispute in a region of the world nobody has noticed except for top-level strategists.

Will we do it? Can we do it? Is it up to us? Read my next post for some intriguing thoughts....


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